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Crywank (UK) - James Choice (AT)

15.09.2024 19:30 / €18 / Tickets

Crywank :
In spite of being self-managed and unsigned Crywank have become one of the UK’s most renowned anti-folk acts. Releasing eight albums in fourteen years and touring relentlessly around the world. Crywank was formed by songwriter Jay Clayton in 2009 on the same day they first picked up a guitar. Despite not knowing how to play or record properly their early music gained much more attention online than expected and became more of a serious musical endeavour. Their breakthrough album ‘Tomorrow is Nearly Yesterday and Everyday is Stupid’ was the first album to include the other half of Crywank, Dan Watson. It quickly became a cult album for amateur musicians and fans of sad music, racking up over 100 million streams online.

James Choice:
James Choice is a singer / songwriter based in Vienna, Austria. His music is defined by its incredibly listenable, yet constantly surprising and unexpected hooks, underpinned by subtle lyrics, rich vocal harmonies, and melodies that soar from broken and delicate depths to defiant and dizzying highs.